Kawanakajima Tokubetsu Junmai Karakuchi 川中島 特別純米 辛口



Shinshu Seishu Kawanakajima won the top 6 in the category of “Sake that you want to drink slowly and warmly” at the SSI (Japanese Sake Service Institute) “Evening of Local Sake and Cuisine, Sake Grand Prize!”
Beautiful umami and dry dry feeling. It has a pleasant taste that makes it even more familiar when warmed.
“I’m looking forward to tonight’s evening drink!”

Actually, this “Karakuchi Kawanakajima” is made with 65% polished Miyama Nishiki rice and is brewed to the level of special brewing. With a sake degree of +7, it has a clear taste and a clear throat that is perfect for any dish. Especially after Japanese dishes such as amberjack sashimi and mackerel, there is no doubt that the taste will shine if you squeeze it.

信州清酒 川中島は、SSI(日本酒サービス研究会)主催「地酒と料理の夕べ、日本酒大賞!」の「お燗でじっくり飲みたいお酒」部門でベスト6に輝きました。

実はこの「辛口 川中島」、65%精米の美山錦を使用し特別本醸造レベルの仕込みを行っています。日本酒度+7の澄み切った味わいとクリアなのど越しは、どんな料理にもぴったり。特に和食、カンパチの刺身や〆鯖のあと、キュッといけばうまさが光ること間違いなしです。


Additional information

Rice polish rate 精米步合


Volume 容量


Alcohol % アルコール度
