Watanabe Shuzouten 渡辺酒造店

Head north along the Hida Road.
In “Hida Furukawa”, a town with rich poetry
There is a sake brewery in Horai.

Horai Sake Brewery is located in Furukawa Town, Hida City, which is located at the northernmost tip of Gifu Prefecture, in the Furukawa Basin surrounded by mountains such as the Northern Alps and the Hida Mountains, which are over 3,000 meters above sea level.
“The townscape of Hida-Furukawa has a splendid sense of elegance and antiquity. Because it has not been turned into a tourist attraction, you can feel its unpretentious demeanor, facial expressions, and even personality,” said author Ryotaro Shiba (“Kaido wo Yuku”). Ichinomachi, lined with old merchant houses with latticework, has a calm appearance, and the white-walled and black-waisted storehouses along the Seto River still have a calm atmosphere.

Appearance Go through the indigo curtain and enter Horai Sake Brewery. There is a tranquil time and rich atmosphere unique to a long-established store that has been brewing delicious sake for many years.

In 1732 (Kyoho 17), the first Kyuemon of the Watanabe family started a business in this area under the name of “Kojoya”. I made a birth.
The Watanabe family started sake brewing in 1870 under the fifth generation Kyuemon Akira.
Unable to forget the deliciousness of the sake he tasted when he traveled to Kyoto to trade raw silk, he set up a sake brewery in his hometown and began brewing sake with the sole purpose of producing delicious sake.

The finished sake was extremely well received, and it is recorded that he got drunk on indescribable gem drops while singing Noh songs at a feast to enjoy sake.
At that time, he chose “Horai”, which was sung in the Noh song “Tsurukame”, as a brand. “Horai” is a land of perpetual youth and longevity where hermits are said to live… And “Horai” is an auspicious “sake language” that gives people joy and brings good luck.

During the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras, he visited famous breweries all over the country and strived to learn sake brewing techniques. Wakayama Bokusui and other writers and artists visiting Hida loved it, and the name gradually became known to sake connoisseurs.
It has been highly praised as a representative sake of Hida, rooted in the local climate, and has been loved by local people for a long time as a part of the joy of life with seasonal ingredients.


“Sake brewing with heart and humanity, brewing straight to make the most of the life of rice”
That’s what we aim for.

Each sake brewery has something to pursue. It should be called the soul of a sake brewery that cannot be thrown away. What Horai pursues is “sake brewing with heart and humanity that makes the best use of the life of rice.”

Emphasizing tradition and hand-made, we use old wooden tools and value the scent and texture that you can feel directly.

Currently, the 9th generation, Hisanori Watanabe, with the cooperation of the chief brewer, Koji Kitaba, has brought to fruition the Hida cold winter cold brewing that has been handed down since the company’s founding. There is no choice but to pass down the tradition.



外観 藍色の暖簾をくぐって蓬莱の酒蔵へ。そこには長年にわたって美酒を醸し続けてきた老舗ならではの、静謐な時間と濃密な空気が満ちています。



明治・大正・昭和と、全国の銘醸地を訪れ酒造技術の習得に努め、美酒醸造の努力を惜しまず、品質至上主義を貫き数々の品評会で上位入賞。 若山牧水をはじめ飛騨を訪れる文人墨客に愛飲され、その名は次第に酒通の知るところとなりました。






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