Fumigiku Shuzo 富美菊酒造

● Doubting the common sense of sake brewing: The challenge of brewery master brewers
Fumikiku Sake Brewery is a small-scale sake brewery located in Toyama City. It has a long history and tradition of being founded in 1916 (Taisho 5), and celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2016.

The current brewer Keiki Hane worked for a major fermentation manufacturer in Tokyo before returning to Toyama to take over his family’s Fumikiku Sake Brewery and enter the world of sake brewing.

At that time, sake was brewed by veteran toji (master brewers) who had won many awards at competitions, but it was common for there to be a big difference in the way sake was made for competitions and commercially available sake. One day, Hane, who had doubts about this, came up with the idea that commercial sake should be delicious.

The idea of ​​going against the common sense of sake brewing met with great opposition from the chief brewer, but he persuaded him by going into the brewery himself and brewing sake. A new era of sake brewing at Fumikiku Sake Brewery began as the water absorption process, which is the key to the raw material processing of sake rice, is performed using the same labor-intensive limited water absorption method as Daiginjo.

Hane learned about the sake brewing process from a veteran toji, and eventually took over the entire process. Currently, as a brewery master brewer himself, he directs Haneya’s sake brewing with local brewers.

Birth of limited-edition special sake “Haneya”
Currently, Fumikiku Sake Brewery has two brands, “Fumikiku” and “Haneya”, but with this special sake “Haneya”, which is limited to the national market, as the axis, we are moving towards a new era of sake brewing. is taking on the challenge of

Haneya’s sake is made using natural water from the Joganji River, Toyama’s famous water, which has been selected as one of the 100 best waters in Japan. In addition to raw material processing by limited water absorption, which takes time and effort in small units, careful koji processing using box koji and futa koji is also carried out for all sake using the method used only for the highest grade ginjo sake.

Even in the process of squeezing sake, Haneya uses only the best part called “nakadori”, which is the middle part of the sake made in the tank.

Because Haneya takes a lot of time and effort to make sake, it is not possible to expand the production volume, and it is a limited number of products. , polite and sincere efforts continue to evolve day by day.

Proposing new value to sake around the world
The name “Haneya” has been used since ancient times, and this brand contains the desire to “exist as sake that lifts the spirits of those who drink it, like wings in flight”.

Haneya, which started the four-season brewing that brews sake throughout the year, has new standard products such as Junmai Ginjo Nama Genshu Kirabi and Junmai Daiginjo Tsubasa, as well as special limited edition sake. We are constantly coming up with new proposals.

In the world’s largest wine and sake competition, the International Wine Challenge, the Sake Division won the Gold Medal two years in a row, and the Wine Glass Delicious Sake Award. value proposition has come to be appreciated.

In recent years, we have also been working on sake brewing using Tomi no Kaori sake rice produced in Toyama, and Haneya Junmai Ginjo Tomi no Kaori was the best at the French sake competition “Kura Master 2018”. It has received attention from all over the world, including receiving the Platinum Award.

Exploring the limitless possibilities of sake and continuing to take on challenges… Haneya will continue to innovate with the aim of achieving the highest quality of sake.

● 酒造りの常識を疑う:蔵元杜氏の挑戦

現在の蔵元・羽根敬喜(はね けいき)は、東京の大手発酵メーカーに勤めたのち、実家の富美菊酒造を継ぐため富山に戻り、酒造りの世界に入りました。











また、近年は富山産の酒米・富の香(とみのかおり)を使った酒造りにも再び取り組み、「羽根屋 純米吟醸 富の香」がフランスの日本酒品評会「Kura Master 2018」で最高賞のプラチナ賞を受賞するなど、世界でも注目を集めています。

日本酒の限りない可能性を模索し、挑戦し続ける… 羽根屋は、至高の酒質を目指す絶え間ない革新を、今後も続けていきたいと思います。

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