Choshu Brewery 長州酒造
In 2019, Choshu Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Choshu Sake Brewery) created a new sake brewery in Kikugawa, where there used to be four sake breweries.
With the passage of time, the number of sake breweries, which used to be four, decreased, and Kodama Shuzo Co., Ltd. (hereafter, Kodama Shuzo) remained.
Overview of Kodama Sake Brewery
Kodama Sake Brewery was founded in 1871 (Meiji 4) and has continued for 149 years in Kikugawa-cho, Shimonoseki City. The Kiku River (Kiya River) that flows by is a river that has long been popular as a famous water for sake brewing. Jurozaemon, a low-ranking samurai of the Hagi clan, moved to this area and built the foundation of the Kodama family and ran a sake brewery.
History of inheriting the brewery business
Choshu Sangyo, the parent company of Choshu Sake Brewery, is a manufacturing company with its headquarters in Sanyo-Onoda City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, with a focus on photovoltaic power generation systems. While searching for the abundant, high-quality water necessary for the business, we came across Kodama Sake Brewery in Kikugawa-cho, Shimonoseki City.
Kodama Sake Brewery was founded in 1871 and was a sake brewery that was loved by the locals with its brand of “Nagato Kikugawa”. Sixth generation president Tsuyoshi Kodama stopped making sake about 15 years ago due to his advanced age, and continued to protect the brewery by selling sake purchased from other companies.
“Can we somehow protect the sake brewery that has been around since the Meiji era and the traditional Japanese technology and culture with our own hands?” The sake brewery was demolished, and the challenges of outsiders from different industries and other prefectures began. None of us had the experience of building a new brewery, but we all shared our wisdom and continued trial and error, and on December 26, 2019, we were able to complete the construction of the new sake brewery.
長州酒造の親会社である「長州産業」は、山口県山陽小野田市に本社をおく太陽光発電システ ムを主力とする製造業の会社です。 事業に必要となる豊富で良質な 水を探していたところ、下関市菊川町の「児玉酒造」にたどり着きました。
児玉酒造は、1871年創業「長門菊川」の銘柄で地元に愛される酒蔵でした。 6代目児玉剛社長は高齢のため、15年ほど前から酒造りをやめ、他社から購入したお酒を 販売することで酒蔵の灯を守り続けていました。
「明治から続く酒蔵と、日本の伝統技術・文化をなんとか自分達の手で守ることはできないか」 長州産業は悩み、そして事業継承を決意しました。 酒蔵は取り壊され、異業種と他県から来たよそ者杜氏の挑戦が始まりました。「新しい蔵を建築する」誰ひとりその経験者はいませんでしたが、皆で知恵を出し合い、試行錯誤を続け、2019年12月26日、新酒蔵の竣工を迎えることができました。
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