Zaku Satori Junmai Daiginjo Shizukudori 作 智 純米大吟醸 滴取り


12 in stock


This sake is made by carefully collecting only the dripping drops from a hanging bag containing mash without applying any extra force, and then bottling it. This sake is made by slowly brewing Yamada Nishiki rice with a polishing ratio of 40% at low temperature. This is a masterpiece that was brewed carefully and time-consumingly in pursuit of the ultimate.
With a silky soft texture, a rich and deep flavor, and an elegant and transparent aroma, it exudes a high level of elegance with a precise harmony that also includes a youthfulness. This is our highest grade Junmai Daiginjo, which will transport you to another dimension the moment you put it in your mouth. It was chosen as the sake to be used for the toast at the G7 Ise-Shima Summit 2016.

もろみを入れて吊るした小袋から余分な力を加えずに、したたり落ちる滴だけを丁寧に集めて瓶に詰めた滴取り。精米歩合40%の山田錦を低温でゆっくりと醸しました。手間と時間とをかけてじっくりと醸された、究極を求めて到達した逸品です。 絹のように柔らかな舌触り、ふくよかで深みのある味わいと優美な透明感をまとった香りは、若々しさも含みながら緻密に調和し高い品格を漂わせます。口に含んだと同時に別次元へと誘う、当蔵最高グレードの純米大吟醸。「G7 伊勢志摩サミット 2016」にて乾杯酒に採用。

Additional information

Rice polish rate 精米步合


Volume 容量


Alcohol % アルコール度
