Zaku Kanade no Tomo 作 奏乃智





Shimizu Seisaburo Shoten Co., Ltd., a sake brewery that inherits the tradition of Mr. Isemori, was founded in 1869 (Meiji 2) by the first Seisaburo Shimizu as Daikokuya Shimizu Seisaburo Shoten in Ise-Wakamatsu, and started manufacturing and selling sake.

In 1952, the name was changed to “Shimizu Brewing Co., Ltd.” when the company was established, and 60 years later, the current president of the 6th generation in 2012 returned to the original name and changed the company name to “Shimizu Seisaburo Shoten Co., Ltd.” In 1996, the two main sake brands were “Zaku” and “Suzukagawa”, and all sake brewing was started with ginjo brewing that took time and effort. Since that time, he has won numerous awards at domestic and international sake competitions. In 2016, it was selected as the first toast liquor at the G7 Ise-Shima Summit, and in 2019, “Zaku” was adopted at Hotel De Crillon in Paris.

As the only brewery in Suzuka City, it spreads the value of sake to the world.

A long-established company with a history of 150 years in Suzuka

Suzuka’s sake has a long history, and the description of “Umasake Suzukano” can be found in the book “Yamatohime no Mikotosei” in 768. This is considered to be a proof that it was widely recognized among people that Suzuka sake, which is on the way from the capital to Ise Jingu, is delicious. Seisaburo Shimizu Shoten Co., Ltd. has a history of 150 years in Suzuka.

Serious search of genuine value

It started as a subcontractor of a major manufacturer, but the direction of the brewery was changed significantly so that the production volume and quality would not be greatly affected, aiming to launch an original brand and produce high quality sake. rice field. Based on the belief that “the true value of sake is decided by the drinker. There are drinkers and the people who provide it, so we can continue to make it.” Because of that, they are supported by deep-rooted fans.

Awarded many times at the prestigious competition of sake

The famous sake “Zaku”, which uses the clear underground water of the Suzuka Mountains suitable for sake brewing and the high-quality rice of the Ise Plain, has won the gold medal at the 2006 National New Sake Appraisal. “Zaku” was selected as a toast sake for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit, and has been highly acclaimed both in Japan and overseas. Suzuka-named sake such as “Suzukagawa” and “Daikokuya Kodayu” are also lined up, and you can feel the charm of Suzuka and the thought of polite manufacturing.

Toji is “CEO of Sake Brewing”

Sake brewing is centered on Toji. The most important thing to make good sake is to make koji, and to make good koji, you need good steamed rice. Skilled craftsmanship, which cannot be achieved with a machine, is required to adjust the time of immersion in water while checking the temperature and weight by touching it.

伊勢杜氏の伝統を引き継く酒蔵、清水清三郎商店株式会社は、1869年(明治2年)初代 清水清三郎が伊勢若松にて大黒屋清水清三郎商店として創業し、清酒の製造販売を開始する。

1952年、会社設立の際に「清水醸造株式会社」に改名し、60年後の2012年6代目の現社長が、創業当初の名称に戻し、「清水清三郎商店株式会社」に社名を変更。1996年に主な清酒ブランドを「作」と「鈴鹿川」の2つにし、手間と時間をかける吟醸造りですべての酒造りを始めた。そのころから国内外の日本酒コンクールで数々の賞を受賞する。2016年にはG7伊勢志摩サミットで、最初の乾杯酒に選出、2019年にはパリのHotel De Crillon にて「作」が採用された。










Additional information

Rice polish rate 精米步合


Volume 容量


Alcohol % アルコール度
